Swift API

Initialise the EVOControlLayer

import EvomoMotionAI
// Init the ClassificationControlLayer
let controlLayer = ClassificationControlLayer.shared



// Declare licenseID string once (You will receive the license key from Evomo after agreeing to the license conditions.)
ClassificationControlLayer.shared.setLicense(licenseID: "licenseID-String")

Source device

// Define sensor device
controlLayer.device = Device(deviceID: "", // Device ID
deviceType: .iPhone, // Device type
devicePosition: .Belly, // Position of the smartphone
deviceOrientation: .buttonRight)


Device(deviceID: "", // id for iphone device not relevant
deviceType: .iphone,


deviceID: Ident string (serial number) of the movesense sensor

Device(deviceID: "175030001022",
deviceType: .movesense,


Simulate device sensor by loading a workout file. (helpful to debug or test in simulator)

Note: Wait about 5 seconds for the first movement after starting. The artificial source for simulation only works with belly-based classification models.

Default WorkoutFile is JumpingJack. If you want to select another WorkoutFile -> use the detail property of the device.

If you use the simulator the device is automatically changed to the artificial source.

Device(deviceType: .iPhone,
devicePosition: .belly, // !!!
deviceOrientation: .buttonRight, // !!!
details: WorkoutFile.squats.rawValue


There are three main subscription handler:

  1. movementHandler - executes on a new classified movement
// Subscribe to the classified movements
controlLayer.movementHandler = { movement in
// Do something with the classified movements in time
  1. heartRatehandler - executes on a heart rate value change
// Subscribe to the classified movements
controlLayer.movementHandler = { movement in
// Do something with the classified movements in time
  1. deviceEventHandler - execute on new device event
// Handle device events
ClassificationControlLayer.shared.deviceEventHandler = { deviceEvent in
let (device, event) = deviceEvent
switch event {
case let .dataStraming(state):
// Will be triggered on data streaming state change (Bool)
// dataStraming = true if sensor data received in the last 0.2 seconds
case let .connected(connected):
// Will be triggered if the device successfully connect or disconnect
case let .energyPercent(energyPercent):
// Implemented for movesense devices (Apple devices dont return a energy level)
// The energy level will always emit on after connecting to the device.
case let .softwareVersion(version):
// not implemented now
// Will return the software version of the device after connecting
// types
public typealias DeviceEvent = (Device, DeviceStateChange)
public enum DeviceStateChange: Equatable {
case energyPercent(Double)
case dataStraming(Bool)
case connected(Bool)
case softwareVersion(String)

Start and stop movement classification

// Start movement classification
lookingForMovementType: nil,
isConnected: {
// Do something if connected successful
}, connectingFailed: { error in
// Do something if connecting failed
// Stop movement classification
_ = ClassificationControlLayer.shared.stop()



public struct Device {
public var deviceID: String
public let deviceType: DeviceType
public let devicePosition: DevicePosition
public let deviceOrientation: DeviceOrientation
public let deviceForward: Bool = true
public let heartRate: Bool // if true -> record heartRate
public var classificationModel: String // customize classification model
public var isSimulated: Bool = false
public var details: String // set WorkoutFile.rawValue to select a file for simulation mode


enum DeviceType: String {
case iPhone = "iPhone"
case movesense = "Movesense"
case appleWatch = "Apple Watch"


enum DevicePosition: String {
case unknown = "Unknown"
case leftWrist = "Left Wrist"
case rightWrist = "Right Wrist"
case leftThigh = "Left Thigh"
case rightThigh = "Right Thigh"
case belly = "Belly"
case neck = "Neck"
case leftUpperArm = "Left Upper Arm"
case rightUpperArm = "Right Upper Arm"
case chest = "Chest"
case leftFoot = "Left Foot"
case rightFoot = "Right Foot"


enum DeviceOrientation: String {
case unknown = "Unknown"
case crownLeft = "CrownLeft"
case crownRight = "CrownRight"
case buttonUp = "ButtonUp"
case buttonDown = "ButtonDown"
case buttonRight = "ButtonRight"
case buttonLeft = "ButtonLeft"


enum WorkoutFile: String {
case jumpingJacks = "20JumpingJacks"
case squats = "20SquatsMovingArms"
case sixerSets = "6erSets"
case running = "running"


public struct Movement {
public let typeID: Int // This represents the Category ID at the Moment.
public var typeLabel: String
public let start: Date
public var end: Date
public var durationPositive: Double?
public var durationNegative: Double?
public var gVelAmplitudePositive: Double?
public var gVelAmplitudeNegative: Double?
public var amplitude: Double?


public enum DeviceStateChange: Equatable {
case energyPercent(Double)
case dataStraming(Bool)
case connected(Bool)
case softwareVersion(String)

Error types

public enum DeviceStateChange: Equatable {
case energyPercent(Double)
case dataStraming(Bool)
case connected(Bool)
case softwareVersion(String)

Scan for Movesense ble devices
